Sports and Active Injuries
Sports Medicine Jacksonville FL
If you are searching sports medicine Jacksonville FL, then you are at the right place, Active Health offers a diverse range of treatments and strategies for sports injuries. Our team will determine a precise treatment program for each respective patient based on assessments and testing.
Sports injuries occur while participating in a sport or while exercising. Children are especially at risk for active injuries, but adults can experience them as well. You are at risk if you play contact sports, don’t warm up properly before activity, and have not been regularly active.
Sports injuries typically occur due to direct impact, overuse of muscles or joints, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. The most common of all sports-related injuries are strains due to the fact that we use so many muscles and tendons while we are active. Other standard injuries that happen while participating in sports or activities are knee injuries, sprains, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, tennis elbow, concussions, and back injuries.
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
We offer a revolutionary form of care that Dr. Lipp has been constantly evolving since 2005. While always getting faster results than conventional methods, the process is down to a science. Our comprehensive addresses the underlying cause to resolve the effect. We discover why you hurt. We use a wide array of tools, technologies and training to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate providing the fastest possible results.
Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT) expedites our process. It is an acoustical shock wave. Being acoustical, it’s a sound wave like ultrasound. Only the EPAT is powered by an air compressor making it sound like a jackhammer. It should feel like a pretty intense tap, a little shock, but shouldn’t hurt. Just let us know if it hurts and we’ll turn it down. We use EPAT to tenderize tough scar tissue allowing our form of manual therapy to be more effective.
Kinesio Taping
We use several KinesioTaping applications within our process. Just the tape being on you can help you recover faster as it lifts the skin up and off the underlying fascia creating opportunity for bruising and inflammation to get carried away with lymphatic flow. The stretch on the tape allows for small tears to essentially be taped together. Depending on what we’re trying to accomplish, we can either influence muscle to contract more or less by eliciting mechanoreceptors. We can also cue any postural change that we are working to correct.

While HyperVolt is much less powerful than the EPAT, it still does an excellent job relaxing muscles. HyperVolt is a percussion based massage modality.

We use acupuncture in conjunction with care when medically necessary. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture utilizes needling along various meridians (acupuncture points) to restore the proper flow of Qi (pronounced “chEE” & is our body’s source of energy). This promotes the body’s healing response.

Cupping uses suction to separate the skin from the underlying fascia which creates an opportunity for bruising and inflammation to get carried away with lymphatic flow just like KinesioTape. The only difference is that the cupping creates a petechiae response (broken blood vessels looking like a hickey) which enhances healing.
Getting Your Body Back in Balance
At Active Health, we help patients get back on their feet fast after suffering from a wide array of injuries, strains, and pains to muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, entrapped nerves, chronic pain, and more. We also provide post-surgical rehabilitation. Below are some of the most common problems that we treat every day, speeding patients towards a full recovery:

At Active Health, we treat a large array of symptoms and conditions. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We Can Help!
- ZHamstring strains
- ZAnkle & knee sprains
- ZNeck & back pain
- ZHip Pain
- ZNumbness & Tingling
- ZHeadaches
- ZTennis & Golfer’s Elbow
- ZSwimmer’s Shoulder
- ZRunner injuries
- ZShin Splints
- ZIT Band Syndrome
- ZCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
- ZSI joint pain
- ZPatellar Tendonosis
- ZArthritis
- ZSciatica
- ZPlantar Fasciitis
- ZAnd many more.
Our Recovery Lab allows you to recover faster, increase circulation, conquer sore muscles, and beat your PR with NormaTec, the ultimate recovery for today’s athlete.
PULSING – Instead of using static compression (squeezing) to transport fluid out of the limbs, NormaTec Pulse Technology uses dynamic compression (pulsing). The patented pulsing action more effectively mimics the muscle pump of the legs and arms, greatly enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout.
GRADIENTS – Veins and lymphatic vessels have one-way valves that prevent fluid backflow. Similarly, NormaTec Pulse Technology uses hold pressures to keep fluids from being forced in the wrong direction. Because of this enhancement, instead of tapering pressure off, it can deliver maximum pressure in every zone.
DISTAL RELEASE – Because extended static pressure can be detrimental to the body’s normal circulatory flow, Sequential Pulse Technology releases the hold pressures once they are no longer needed to prevent backflow. By releasing the hold pressure in each zone as soon as possible, each portion of the limb gains maximal rest time without a significant pause between compression cycles.


We use the KinetiSense technology to help diagnose inefficiencies and dysfunctions which lay the baseline from which we start. This allows us to show how much and how fast we can provide improvement. It is also a great biofeedback training tool.
3D Range-of-Motion – With automatic reporting and only 15 seconds per assessment, our 48 range of motion tests identify key areas for improvement in both therapy and performance athletics.
3D Posture – Collect accurate and objective key posture information for future use in only 20 to 30 seconds to reduce injury and promote wellness.
3D Functional Movement – Create customized functional movement assessments based on your need to analyze hundreds of movement variations.
3D Balance – A Kinetisense functional movement assessment for balance is standardized, accurate, and objective, allowing for universal accuracy among your patients or athletes.
KAMS – The KAMS system analyzes 12 movements in around 3 minutes to teach athletes and patients how to move more effectively.
Customized Workflow – Practitioners can customize their screen, choose their own assessments, and build comprehensive workflows.
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